This is the brief history of wrinkles than I have had great news: Chavez is Vargas Llosa runs, and the home team. Another drag on like-in other levels, of course, it happened to Vargas Llosa in 1986, with Günter Grass, who gave him these lines, after a discussion of the intellectual left and its relationship friendly totalitarian systems in Latin America:
"curious way of arguing his, friend Günter Grass. When the University Menéndez y Pelayo dialogáramos invited him in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bon our differences, you rejected the invitation. But now, in the International PEN Congress in Hamburg, which I was unable to attend, has polemics tirelessly with me, a ghost caller could not answer their office or their bravado. "
But nothing this week's wins by far, very far, by various bodies. A run on the court itself, live and direct. Insurmountable.
That was more or less:
JACKALS CHAVEZ. The former intellectual [Vargas Llosa] should have lost some intelligence to speak disrespectfully of the president of Venezuela.
LLOSA. At the critical presidents when I think we have to criticize, and do it with energy, but never through the insult. CHAVEZ
. I say very seriously. Tell them as here there is no freedom of expression, we are inviting a debate. What good would a Alo Presidente special. They are invited to the right and the Socialists.
LLOSA. We support the dialogue as one of the basic principles we defend. But we want to discuss with President Chavez and not to individuals related to their management.
Chavez. Please! Vargas Llosa must first become president to lecture me. I'm in the big leagues. You are in the AAA.
LLOSA. If Chavez can only discuss with presidents, which boast of inviting a discussion!