already appeared in issue 17 The Storyteller, with two entrees.
The first is a tribute to the maestro Julio Ramón Ribeyro with varied views of Patricia de Souza, Enrique Vila-Matas, Carlos Calderón Fajardo, Rogelio Guedea, Alejandro Zambra and Lucho Zúñiga, who answer questions like "What is considered main contribution of this Latin American author's story " or "For you, what is the best Ribeyro, the developer, the fantastic, fragmentary or the newspapers?". Missed.
The second is called "Literature and politics" and like him as a prelude to next year's elections. Recommended: the interview with Mark Turner and article on the political position in the narrative of the author who was exquisite Clemente Palma.
Chequeables also interview the student of Malcolm Lowry Miguel Mota and Jorge Pimentel on Zero Hour.
The book reviews section, nurtured as always, brings texts Nocturama Diego Otero, The journey never ends Carlos Calderón Fajardo, the real heroes of Percy Galindo and also a review my book.
Creative writing is also nourished: they write and Roger Alejandro Susti Santiváñez in poetry, and Francisco Angeles, Omar Guerrero, Carlos Miguel Ruiz Effio Yushimito and in narrative.