La esperada Semana del Autor del Centro Cultural de España rinde homenaje esta vez al notable Enrique Vila-Matas, quien dialogará con Gabriel Ruiz-Ortega sobre su reciente (y apetitosa) novela Dublinesca .
Aquí los datos y algunas opiniones sobre la novela en España:
Conversando con Enrique Vila-Matas
El escritor y blogger Gabriel Ruiz-Ortega dialogará con Enrique Vila-Matas sobre su esperada nueva novela Dublinesca
Lugar: Auditorio del Cultural Center of Spain in Lima
Date: July 7
Time: 7.30 pm
About Dublinesca :
"A unique novel, a writer always surprising and disconcerting and the largest contributor, with Javier Marias, to open our "modernity" to create a new narrative voice, to integrate to other literatures and out of our worst curse, the traditionalism [...] A novel like Ulysses , Joyce, is a nostalgia for the not lived and a magnificent epic of everyday life. " Juan Antonio Masoliver
Ródenas ( La Vanguardia )
"The most personal book Vila-Matas in which the parody reveals the deepest feelings of the writer to the parents, wife recovered, friendship and literature, with a script that accompanies us like a melody. The book of the decade. " Juan Antonio Masoliver
Ródenas ( La Vanguardia )
" Dublinesca is like a distillation of all that has been building its author along trajectories of the original English narrative of the last two decades. Sense and thoughtful tribute to a city twilight, literature and some of those who explored the limits (Joyce, Beckett), and elegiac tribute to a world that was just "Manuel Rodríguez
Rivero ( The Country )
"One of the heroes of modernism rounder narrative that gave our literature. Dublinesca is an excellent novel, the most ambitious and best of Enrique Vila-Matas. "
Santos Sanz Villanueva ( World )
"The most unique, risky and innovative narrative of those projects have been put in place in Spain in the last three decades, has reached its zenith. Because it is, in short, the latest novel by Enrique Vila-Matas: the zenith, the pinnacle of his work. " J.
Albacete ( The Real Digital )
"Superb history, I believe Enrique Vila-Matas's novel has given his life. " José María Pozuelo
Yvancos (ABC )