Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hunting Biryhday Cakes

* Pleasure: I found on

Due to busy work
not post for a while, however, through various I will provide materials for cultural . Thank you very much everyone, we are in contact.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Probiotics And Verruca

, Leonardo Aguirre

Today presents Karaoke (Maghreb, 2010) the last book of Leonardo Aguirre, at 6.30 pm at the Jazz Zone (Av. La Paz 646, passage El Suche, Miraflores). Here the

blurbs the counter, to be encouraging:

"hallucinations rennet. The same unnamed hero who went through the garbage disposal-my lovely cute little book that I love with all the silly and gizzard has dared to take trust that I have not given. " Beto Ortiz

"Just when we fall into such duplication, is when it happens to be a writer to be just someone who writes. "Putting words one after the other? That makes everyone. [...] Aguirre, like many others, is someone who lives by the words but not a writer. " Gustavo

"If the light is a dark spot on a literary critic or journalist, a writer is a terminal illness .[...] Aguirre should discuss with himself if he takes his writing career with the same ease with which assumes his other roles related to the literature. " Iván Thays

"Aguirre does not generate discussion, let's say that is" under review "." Luis Hernan Castañeda

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How To Clean Bialetti Tarnish

not find the thread to social networks

few days ago one of my clients thought his team could be important graphic designers understand the web development process from its most basic and elemental gestures without reproach and I prepared to offer a course assuming that all basic HTML that group of people understood what a FTP, which is a hosting server, which is a Web page, which is hyper text, good handle loss well know Mac OS with which day to day work ... Personally seemed a risky idea by this client to request a course in something as basic to a "progress" that made me think of a paradox, however without that comment I started to take the basic course in HTML for this company ...

My first shock came when I asked them using Finder (Mac) is connected to my machine, in response to what I got: "What is finder?" what is finder? well I use Linux and occasionally Windows and Mac do not use the newspaper and I understand that is the finder (you may not know it, but do not know how to use?) in order proceeded with a brief description of which is a Web page , a web browser and some history, suddenly heard a voice "is giving us as college classes" to which definitely I ignored, but when an audience older than me and definitely lukewarm how strong I decided to enter the web design. After a couple of minutes talking about web design and its wonderful benefits and how to handle it, suddenly someone very strongly said, "
not going to teach design, I took a graduate of Fireworks, Dreamweaver and Flash" undoubtedly had
reason I'm not a graphic designer, but when it comes to Web is that more than 10 years this is not the same as the editorial design. afternoon and ran the course progressed, I gave to understand that everyone understood and that everyone knew whereof he spoke (after they had taken a DIPLOMA of these 3 wonderful applications) when everyone knew I made it clear that procedures designed to teach the HTML code to actually learn the basics of developing a website, what a voice a bit younger (even older than me) said very excited "DreamWeaver riiiiiiight" apparently on many levels it is believed that DreamWeaver is the maker of Internet pages for excellence, fame, that such application has earned is as Telmex, to the general public there is nothing else, at to channel my knowledge of HTML in the use of this tool. at first I noticed is that they just ignored me that is not the same design in Photo Shop and Illustrator, trying to drag components, making them smaller or more with large-size arrays, tried a lot of things that apparently had not understood or Diploma, or in almost 2 hours had me talking.

When finally realized that was not the same and that requires a simple roll over HTML and some CSS inheritance, reproached me bitterly, PROGRAMMERS ARE NOT. As a Web developer understand that when you are programming HTML is not nothing, but it left me comments.
By continuing note that they use the tool significantly complicating a tool box that they had asked and mostly already had a diploma ...
Without more gestures, I continued and explained line by line HTML code for a basic page I expected an answer or a question ... After nearly 3 hours of talk and talk ... proposed the basic practices that the head of the area opposed to a pretty solid argument: "This is not a college classroom and I can not give them time to practice this does not work for your business needs ... it is possible that these issues are been so complicated, it is possible that both are difficult to make a website, do not even understand where it opens and closes a tag, not possibly ask them for something as basic and can not resolve "no doubt that last sentence gave me all the power to defend myself, defend my product and above all to defend my payment ...

My conclusion is simple common sense I can not sell, I can not sell that little bit of understanding to third persons to begin or engage in this web.