Thursday, January 29, 2009

Groping On A Chinese Train

Are we a platform?

platforms are relieved instrument to mobilize civil society to achieve those objectives usually politicians in power have decided that they are unfeasible. Dead dictator, the PSOE created Democratic Platform that rivaled the Democratic Board sponsored by the PCE. Both came together in the Platajunta and took to the streets shouting " Liberty, Amnesty and Statute of Autonomy ." Thus began the transition.

Cuenca was founded in Civic Platform towards multiple purposes, the capital of the region, the university and, above all, the A-3 which connect Madrid with Valencia. Gave us cheese and several decades later I still have not finished the A-40, a real disgrace to our forefathers.
Between 1999 and 2001 I served as spokesman for the
Platform pro AVE. Cuenca A group worked hard to break the intention of the then Minister of PP Arias-Salgado back to us out of play. Bono with comprehensive option that invention Madrid-Guadalajara-Cuenca-Albacete-Valencia, tried beating around the bush. So the new cry of " Where there is little justice is severe right" use the same administrative procedure they tried to screw us again and fill Ministry Development of claims. We marched in Madrid, Valencia and even those of Teruel There threatening to undermine the hard way with the Tajo-Segura. Helmets in the second government of Aznar gave us reason. This was achieved that pass through Cuenca AVE. Someday I'll tell you more about this beautiful story.
birth platforms are now returning to one against the privatization of water, other pro-highway Teruel. In both cases, citizens have been replaced by political parties, unions and various institutions, some civilians and other "paramilitary." I've always preferred independent of political power.

Teruel exists, for example, went into decline for years because several of its representatives were placed by the Government of Aragon. I'm glad to see again our bullies live neighbors.

The platform against water privatization has been the motto and slogan PSOE wrong: BASIN WATER is not to be privatized but that takes Barreda airport his people through the pipe Mancha.

Are we a platform?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Color Curtains To Match With Green Walls?

At Last!

Washington DC. is a city full of government buildings, avenues and monuments frightening huge the banks of the Potomac . Don George chose its location and went to rest in Mount Vermont wars. The Virginians had already made the Declaration of Independence written thirteen years before the Rights of Man. Seek happiness. They

, the people of the United States are admirable people. They endured the 19 Fahrenheit with scarves, earmuffs and foot-warmers (often invented) to see the Inauguration Parade , a fair mix of ride and parade of the armed forces. The school majorettes Hawaiian Punahou , where he attended high school the new president, marched smiling and numb to the 2 million souls who packed the National Mall

The Cadillac presidential One, which cost 150,000 euros less than the Audi
Touri Ño is like the Pope-mobile, but in black. When he opened the door and the happy couple to walk the final meters of the Pennsylvania Avenue, just opposite the White House , I remembered an e-mail I received a few days ago warning me of that Tuesday was enthroned at the Antichrist. The idea is based on numerology applied to the figure 666 that appears in the Apocalypse of St. John : "Here is wisdom that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is man's number. And the number is Six hundred threescore and six " ( Rev 13:18). A tortured mind did the calculation with the letters BARACK OBAMA.

There are several reasons to be wary of these accounts: first because the original number found in the Oxyrhynchus papyrus was 616, key number on which the martyrs of the century concerned Nero to the killing Christians. The second is that a man who says that "all are equal, all are free and everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve full happiness" looking down 4% Wall Street can not be the Beast. The third and final
is that even the Devil himself had supported dance 10 times At Last!, the unforgettable song Orchestra Wives

( http://www.links2love .com/love_lyrics_441.htm )

... And here we are in. heaven, for you are mine at last.

Good luck, Mr. President

Published in The Tribune today Basin January 22, 2009 by Antonio Melero

Friday, January 16, 2009

Difference Between Microfiber And Micro Suade

The credit goes to Fibonacci

This article published in La Tribuna de Cuenca 6 months ago, on July 3, 2008. If you have a value of "prophetic" sage on the numbers of Pisa may be coincidence but ... read and see how things add up.

Crisis and Fibonacci

When Solbes talks about the crisis -than-not-a-crisis reminds me Leonardo of Pisa, XIII century Italian mathematician known as Fibonacci who described his succession following numerical study of the growth of rabbit populations. In the series the first digit is zero, the second one and each item that follows is the sum of the two.

like this: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89, 144 ... and to infinity and beyond .

And every time Perico "the Augur" describes that comes up there is a wonderful parallel with the series of Fibonacci . Check it out, dear reader:

Zero is the rate of growth of GDP expected and for the next quarter; 1 is the same rate applied to the last semester, the next 1 growth means Euribor so far this year, the 2 is clear that represents the interest rate rise has occurred in the last six months; 3 equal to the percentage has dropped the bag only last week five is unsurpassed and our inflation rate, the 8 corresponds to the actual average increase in electricity bills for the month of July, the 13 the unemployment rate is expected later this year (and we are on June 11 and has risen for the first time an amazing 1.5% failure). Let the 21 : percentage has fallen Exchange in the first 6 months of this year. And what I say about 34 ? : As the% which has decreased the sale of cars, though, for big brands and SUVs and we go to the next in the series: 55 while are 89 euros per month than the average mortgage has risen.

The ratio between a term and the previous varies continuously, but stabilizes in the golden ratio = 1.6180 ... represented by the Greek letter φ ( phi) in honor Greek sculptor Phidias . Leonardo da Vinci worked with the golden ratio in his Vitruvian Man where among other amazing proportions seen how the relationship between the height of a human being and the height of his navel is phi

So while Perico "The shaman" We check the charts and crisis-than-not-a-crisis gallops and cuts the wind ... Caminito de Jerez Zeta-Pe ... looks seeking his navel phi. Since winning the election takes exactly 144 days. The number following the 89 in the Fibonacci series .

stay with God.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

How To Instale An Tile Round A Bath

Theron T. Pond, New York drug, discovered in 1846 a witch hazel-based cream that revolutionized the beauty of millions of women in the sixties: it was his famous Pond's Beauty Plan within seven days . Plan is a beautiful town Gistaín Valley, in the Aragonese Pyrenees, known for having managed to marry their bachelors organizing a caravan of women in the famous film William Wellman.

Felipe González has been separated from his distinguished wife because it took a very good-looking plan. A server has a plan because the pleats are accumulated along the years and end up shattering the coronary arteries. There are plans of all kinds of studies, investment, urban planning, pension and water. Until Franco had not one, but several development plans.

December 26 Development presented a plan to boost rail freight with an investment of 5 billion euros. A week ago I gave a copy of this plan to Mayor Pulido who, apparently, is sensitive to these stimuli and it says (Sunday Tribune) to be reunited with Maleni . Had not been on more than one of his well-paid CEOs had been heard before because the Generalitat Valenciana has already asked to invest in the way of Cuenca. When I was a councilman introduced a motion to that effect which was crossed by one of demagogic and the other an opportunist. I think there's time to get a pinch to help revitalize our old train.

who is now a fat is ZETAPAD : the PLAN E . With E in Spain, employment, economy and business. In the great helmsman appears in a gesture of concern. I would say that even in pain, as if it had caught the mood with zipper fly. This plan has been specifically included packaging for freight traffic and construction of new variants in the conventional network.

There is no excuse for not getting funding for our railway. It is much more important and feasible for the highway to Teruel. The PP from the mayor of Cuenca and the communities of Valencia and Madrid and the PSOE from the Board and the Government have an inescapable responsibility.

do otherwise would be put to the E PLAN and ngan to Cuenca and nth time.

Posted by Antonio Melero in The Tribune today Basin January 15, 2008