At Last!
Washington DC. is a city full of government buildings, avenues and monuments frightening huge the banks of the Potomac . Don George chose its location and went to rest in Mount Vermont wars. The Virginians had already made the Declaration of Independence written thirteen years before the Rights of Man. Seek happiness. They
, the people of the United States are admirable people. They endured the 19 Fahrenheit with scarves, earmuffs and foot-warmers (often invented) to see the Inauguration Parade , a fair mix of ride and parade of the armed forces. The school majorettes Hawaiian Punahou , where he attended high school the new president, marched smiling and numb to the 2 million souls who packed the National Mall
The Cadillac presidential One, which cost 150,000 euros less than the Audi
Touri Ño is like the Pope-mobile, but in black. When he opened the door and the happy couple to walk the final meters of the Pennsylvania Avenue, just opposite the White House , I remembered an e-mail I received a few days ago warning me of that Tuesday was enthroned at the Antichrist. The idea is based on numerology applied to the figure 666 that appears in the Apocalypse of St. John : "Here is wisdom that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is man's number. And the number is Six hundred threescore and six " ( Rev 13:18). A tortured mind did the calculation with the letters BARACK OBAMA.
There are several reasons to be wary of these accounts: first because the original number found in the Oxyrhynchus papyrus was 616, key number on which the martyrs of the century concerned Nero to the killing Christians. The second is that a man who says that "all are equal, all are free and everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve full happiness" looking down 4% Wall Street can not be the Beast. The third and final
is that even the Devil himself had supported dance 10 times At Last!, the unforgettable song Orchestra Wives
( http://www.links2love .com/love_lyrics_441.htm )
... And here we are in. heaven, for you are mine at last.
Good luck, Mr. President
Published in The Tribune today Basin January 22, 2009 by Antonio Melero
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