* ICT exhibition space and 
Who has not ever attended in your life for a cultural exhibition in a museum cultural center or even to have met the unexpected on the street?
Just about anyone. And is that exhibitions are spaces for disseminating cultural content . They not only summon but involve the visitor through diferenes captivating gadgets, of course, this happens when, behind it, there is a process careful and serious research, conceptualization, assembly and creativity definitely .
But what happens when the exposures are only temporary? In particular what has happened to me I want to photograph the entire room, detail by detail, or even with ingeniudad reigning wonder if I can take her to my house, as the brochure they gave me the income is not enough for me.
Today my dilemmas seem to be diminished by the Information Technology and Communication better known as TIC's . Thanks to them (mainly Internet) I can find different exhibitions anywhere in the world. The professional and cultural institutions have understood this and have broken the barriers of time and space to which they were subject exhibitions, extending as it were, its life cycle.
example? Well, I give you some: two exhibitions by
SEACEX (Society for External Action) from Spain.
I recommend that when visiting SEACEX will section virtual tours.